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Member Since 08 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 09 2012 10:10 PM

In Topic: Shop Help

09 December 2012 - 10:11 PM

Thank you. I will check that site out. Thanks for the info.

In Topic: Shop Help

09 December 2012 - 01:11 PM

I just googled e39a vr4. I did not know about this type of car. My ignorance had me thinking a 3000gt vr4 were all the same starting from around 1991 and up. That actually looks like a pretty slick car. I like the boxy style and body lines. These E39A's are old school. I like em.

In Topic: Shop Help

08 December 2012 - 11:31 PM

Ok I forgot to mention too that I took it out on a test drive and at 5k she started to drop boost. She would peak at 11-12psi and then fall to 7psi and lose all power. There was 1 stripped intake plenum bolt I am going to have to retap. I also noticed the WG lines are completely uneven. One is 3.5" long and the other side is 4'x3" long. Wow. What a mess.

In Topic: Shop Help

08 December 2012 - 11:28 PM

So I got a chance to speak with my customer a short while ago and this is what I came up with.

1.) I'll be making a list of the things needed to start all over from scratch.
2.) Labor wise I will be fixing the tedious things under the hood first to rule out any minor problem like fix the cluster mess in the engine bay by removing unnecessary vacuum lines, capping the ones that are just hanging there and cutting in new WG vacuum lines that are of equal length. The one WG turbo closest to the firewall has a vacuum hose about 1' long while the one closest to the front bumper is about 3.5' (maybe a bit longer then that) long. Yeah...I know. Someone actually did that.
3.) Testing the electronics for failure due to the sudden loss of spark (still can't figure out why)
4.) We are going to order in all new gauges including a Autometer wideband. All mechanical gauges. We are throwing the electronic gauges out. Very unreliable.

***I do need some ideas on a good modified ecu supplyer for plug and play action. My customer does not want to spend another $1k-$2k on a stand alone. (he had an AEM unit before). He wants something to just drop in and go.***

Pulled the ECU and not sure what it is. It's not the one that belongs in the car. On the back in black magic marker it says "WAS 1082 / NOW 1629". Not sure what that means.

Lastly on the 6-speed swap he had done a few years ago doesn't the ecu have to be reprogrammed for a 6-Speed? Does anyone know of a good drop in ecu or a company that makes a drop in for the VR4 with a 6-Speed swap and light mods with stage 3 tuning done already on a stock setup?