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Member Since 12 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active May 11 2023 08:46 AM

are evo bonnet rwc on gsr?

29 April 2013 - 05:27 AM

so ive recently sold my car, and it have lifter noise which ive shown through a video etc.
he reckons the engine is knocking and told me that the evo 3 bonnet i have on the car is not road worthy.
is this true?
because im 100% sure its no problem as it came from an evo 3 which is the same chassis as a gsr.

1994 lancer gsr

03 April 2013 - 03:34 AM


auto rvr into gsr

24 March 2013 - 10:52 AM

hi i was looking at swapping an auto rvr 4g63t into my gsr.

i've read alot about 4g63 swap but there seems to be not as much info on vr4 swap compare to rvr, especially auto rvr.

anyways i was looking into something similar to this:

can someone help me out with:
1. ill be mating it with my gsr box, ive also bought a clutch kit from meek, will it be able to replace the torque conveter etc.?

2. can i use the rvr mounts?
3. can i use gsr harness? and what ecu should/can i use?

any other concern please let me know.

thank you.