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Member Since 25 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2016 12:36 PM

#320421 Crimping vs soldering

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 28 July 2015 - 08:27 AM

If permanent always solder and heat swrink but if temp then i use plugs/crimps.

#304875 What wideband are you using and where did you mount it?

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 26 July 2014 - 09:32 AM

I've been looking at getting a wideband for my project and excuse me if this sounds like a stupid question. Do you discard the original O2 sensor and replace it with the wideband O2 sensor then connect the signal wire into the ecu?

#303630 VR4 Aluminum Radiators

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 01 July 2014 - 01:42 PM

I brought a connector kit from Sheridan Engineering website, ended up costing me $116.00 landed to my door which wasn't to bad I guess altho I didn't need all the connector in the kit. As for the the sensor on the thermostat housing my plug is still ok and their are some small pins on the kit which I hope will fit, haven't tried yet.

Here's some pictures of what I have done, I've decided to run all the wires for the engine through the one but kept the exhaust temp wires separate in its own harness. Still need to neater it up once I get the engine back together.

Back to the radiators, I might invest in a slim line fan for my standard radiator for now and do some research into alloy rads.

Thanks for the advice so far.

#298157 For sale 4G63 parts

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 10 April 2014 - 06:56 AM

Haha, yer George it's a bit crazy some times, when I'm in working on my car I want to be in Melbourne and went I'm in Melbourne I want to work on my car. When I at work I'd rather be anywhere else lol

Jamo, couldn't attach a picture in a PM for some reason so put it here.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20140404_163529.jpg

#297547 For sale 4G63 parts

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 30 March 2014 - 08:06 PM

Jamo, yer they are all blue silicon hoses and clamps in the red container. I can take another photo of them spread out if you want? I'm away at work but will be back Wednesday night so I can sort out postage on Thursday and let you know a price.

MDK87, as above I'll get you a price for postage of the alternator on Thursday.

#295683 Engine rebuilders recommendations

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 27 February 2014 - 02:57 PM

Well ive made the decision to keep my galant and rebuild it again but this time im going to get the short block built by a professional, dont worry Croket im not going to get it built by RPW.

I've sent an email to Performance Modification in Malaga for a rough quote to have the short block built and checked over so that i can built it back up.

So the plan is to pull the engine Wednesday next week and ship it out to Performance Mod on Thursday to start the short block. I havent taken the sump off yet to see how much or if their is any damage to the crank and with a bit of luck its repairable but if not then i might look at a stroker.

Your right Croket i would hate myself if i sell it when i've spent alot of time and effort on the best  :thumbsup:

#287687 1991 A-Spec shell For Sale

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 29 October 2013 - 12:02 PM

I've decided to keep the Hotbits suspension, was going to swap the white line suspension with the Hotbits but couldn't be bothered lol.

I'm willing to sell without wheels for $1100.00ono and I have a spare set of mag that I'll put on the shell so that its mobile.

If someone had the time and space to part this out I'm sure you would make your money back and some.

#285607 galant vr4 shell (WA)

Posted by RocksolidGVR4 on 28 September 2013 - 07:42 AM

Yer sorry George I ended up buying it, im going to swap my running gear from mine into it. It was to hard to resist :-)