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Member Since 25 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 14 2016 12:36 PM

No start fault

21 April 2015 - 11:38 AM

Hi Guys, hope someone can help me with my Vr4 and it's starting issues....

So I'll give you the run down on what has happened, I'm running a Haltech E8 with a COP setup.

At the start of the year I took my galant into Garage 101 to have it tuned and one step closer to getting it rego'ed.

They had it for a few days trying to sort things out with it and get it running right, they called me and said that it was all sorted and ready to collect. I went in the next morning paided the bill and drove it home. On the way home it started to miss fire and a few back fires which I put down to it being cold and I got it home without any real issue.

It sat in the garage for about a month till I was able to work on it again. I booked it in for it's rego and the day before I took it for a drive to get it warmed up and see if there was any leaks that I needed to fix. I drove it down to the shop, which is only a couple of Kays away and on the way home I opened it up to blow the cobwebs out. Just as I was pulling into my street it started to miss and play up and as I pulled into my drive way there was smoke coming out from under the bonnet. I popped the bonnet and number 2 coil was burning/melting, I disconnect the battery and changed the coil, checked the wiring and put it down to being a bad coil.

I took it for another test drive and it did it to me another two time so then I knew there was something definitely wrong, I rang Garage 101 and told him what had happen and he said that it must be my wiring....I compared his tune with the old tune and the only thing that was different was the charge time, old tune was 2ms and his was 2.5ms he told me to change it and try again.

So I was all out of coils and had to order some in before I could test again, so today I change the coils and checked the wiring again and everything seems all good but now it won't start grrrrrr the only way it will start is with the throttle wide open and it only just runs.

I have even tried to put the standard coils and plugs on but still the same. I've checked power to the coils, checked the earth, checked continuity with the signal wires to the ecu, checked MPI module and relay and they all test out ok.

Is there something I'm missing....? Any advise would be great


Garage 101

30 November 2014 - 08:16 AM

Has anyone in Perth used Garage 101 in Osborne park? I see that they're a distributor for haltech and was thinking of using them to tune my Galant and also giving my car the once over so that I can final get it rego'ed hopefully before Xmas fingers crossed.

Garage clean out - Free

30 November 2014 - 06:21 AM

I'm doing a bit off a clean out in the garage today and have come across some parts which are no longer needed, as the title says they are all free and if no body claims them they will be going on the verge for council clean up. Parts have come of a Galant VR4 4G63.

Haltech E8 base map VR4

08 October 2014 - 04:50 AM

Hi Guys,


Would anyone have a base/run in tune to suit a Galant VR4 4663T with 560cc injectors and a TD05 14B turbo?  Just need one so that i can start/run the car to check for leaks and to make sure everything works before taking it to get tuned.



Cheap run about

09 August 2014 - 02:17 AM

Hi Guys,

Well I'm looking to buy a cheap car in melbourne around the 5 grand mark and wanted to get some sugguestions as to what to buy.

I looking for something small that would be fun to drive around like a Mitsubishi Mirage or a Honda Civic?

Your thoughts??