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Member Since 06 Jun 2006
Offline Last Active Sep 04 2016 11:02 AM

EVO 1/2 Front Bumper and Bonnet

12 May 2016 - 09:31 AM

Hi Guys, 

I am after a EVO 1/2 front bumper (complete)

Also a EVO 1/2/3 Bonnet.

No Rush as I have not yet Purchased the Jumbuck they would be to go on. 

Would probably interested in a pair of coilovers and a strut tower brace for the front if anyone has some from a half cut etc.

Cheers, Richard.

4G93 Headgasket?

22 September 2015 - 12:35 PM

Had a look and cannot seem to find any reference to Genuine head gasket part number for 4G93 1.8 T DOHC motor.

I recall the CE GSR headgasket is a Multi Layer Steel unit however will be hard pressed to convey this info to a parts interpreter at Mitsubishi without a VIN 

Can anyone assist please?