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Member Since 27 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2014 02:38 PM

In Topic: 4g93p fot Nimbus 1995?

26 May 2014 - 02:19 PM

Ok thanks for the feed back, I will buy the below to do recond my engine:

Head $500.00
Piston Rings
Big end bearings/Conrod bearing
Top set
Head bolt set
Sump sealant
Timing belt
Balance shaft belt
All parts 339.00
Freight 28.00

Any input on these?

On another topic:
I have a satria 1.5 gli, we put a 4g93p with Gti loom and gsr ecu the one without airbag to get rib of the warning light, the instrument panel changed to Gti because the old one the tacho didn't work with the loom , then we put in a bolt on turbo tdo4 with 3 inches exhaust and evo1 rad plus a 30cms Intercooler with fan, the project turn out ok, but the 4g93p doesn't has the water coolant at the oil filter seat also the oil spray at the bottom I don't think it will last long the turbo oil rerun pipe drill into sump work fine but look funny, I already have two 4g93t ready to replace it, I found the the first gear is almost useless with SOHC lancer gear box, the only fun are in 2nd gear onward, my dyno only has 118kw at the wheel with 2mm decomp gasket but not bad for a 920kg, I am running on bc coilover 7kg and 5kg which is too rough just bought 6kg 4kg spring to replace
Any advice to improve it?.

In Topic: GSR being stripped

19 March 2014 - 01:31 PM

I love to put a locked cc gsr box in my car but it is too expensive, I have the box but cost 1k + for fitting, am still after a good proton Gti box to replace my current 6 months old box, hope better luck this time.
Am running a 93t with SOHC cc box, the first gear is too short 3.25?? first gear the Gti box before that is a bit better with 3.08 I think, but the 4wd locked cc gsr first gear around 2.7??, I have one offer of a 4g61t 2wd?? From. 117kw engine?? Which is claim stronger than the proton Gti box??, it is so old i cant find the gear ratio for it, is it a locked from 4wd to 2wd box or original 2wd?( I was told 2wd original), I still dnt know if my proton shaft can be used with the box.

In Topic: GSR being stripped

11 February 2014 - 03:29 AM

.I need a 2wd gsr gear box for my Proton GTI, can anyone assist?


19 July 2013 - 04:34 PM

Hi, I am in ADL, can someone able to help me, I also need a CC LANCER GSR ECU for my 4g93p turbo upgrade

In Topic: WTD: Lancer GSR ECU (found)

19 July 2013 - 04:16 PM

I need a lancer gsr ecu