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Member Since 04 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 26 2016 11:13 AM

#281879 4gtuner stickers are in the store!

Posted by licky on 08 August 2013 - 09:14 AM

I got free stickers with my new car :)

#271489 changed wheels and tyres now making funny noise

Posted by licky on 18 February 2013 - 12:04 AM

WOW, my car started doing the exact same thing when I put my new wheels on, exact same size as your as well... it's like a chuffing noise, not really worrying.. But that's fucken freaky!

#271354 GSR Short shifter

Posted by licky on 14 February 2013 - 04:06 AM

The bottom of it still moves the exact same way, can't see it being problamatic for the gear box. My syncro in third is rooted, and feels just the same (no worse). I havnt got a pic, though if you get stuck i can grab one for you?. Oh and the shifter is actually "shorter" in length, it compresses the boot a lot more than what it did lol, but it's the throw i care about ;).

The only thing that got me was the spring on how to put that back together, apart from that, as long as you use all the bushes, its a straight forward install. Feels soooooo much better and definatly worth it, got a little chirp from second when i tested it out haha

#271325 Licky's 1993 GSR

Posted by licky on 13 February 2013 - 11:11 AM

Not a huge update, but now have some new wheels off nigel_a, set's it off a lot more, plus white on white is freaken sexy.

Installed a ebay short shifter too

next purchase will be a front mount kit I think

Now on the hunt for a new motor, the one that is in it is running fine, just want another base, and when its complete wind the shit out of the boost and have fun with the current 93 :P (still unsure to go another 93 or 63), and a evo 2 front bar

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