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Member Since 07 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2013 08:12 AM

In Topic: Track Day 25th Feb - Winton

01 February 2013 - 08:13 AM

Sadly we've had to cancel the event.
Thanks to those who got on board, hopefully we can reorganise and run a track day later in the year.

In Topic: Track Day 25th Feb - Winton

31 January 2013 - 06:08 AM

We're at the point of paying the track and have to make the executive decision of whether to proceed. We have had a good response in the last 48 hours but still a bit shy of where we want to be, please if you are planning to attend get your entry forms in ASAP.

In Topic: Track Day 25th Feb - Winton

20 January 2013 - 10:23 AM

We have tweaked the day:
Cost locked in at $140
Cars only, capped at 70 entries

Interest is high, verbal confirmations are high, entry forms received are LOW
To make the day proceed we need confirmed entries so if you know you're coming or have a query about the day we want to hear from you!

In Topic: Track Day 25th Feb - Winton

14 January 2013 - 07:13 AM

Hope you can both make it! Kaotik for tyres can I heartily recommend Nitto NT01 Semi Slicks. A great value tyre that gets you on the track for a lot less than you would think, got a set of 15" Semi's for my car delivered for $700.

You can get them from Tempe Tyres in Sydney delivered to Melbourne.

Also FYI for all, Winton is a track that is quite okay to use road tyres on. You obviously won't go as quickly but still a heap of fun.

In Topic: Track Day 25th Feb - Winton

08 January 2013 - 01:56 AM

Yes we will group by lap times or estimated lap times if you haven't run before. We're capping the day at 80 entries which is very little, giving lots of time for all.

Apologies yes it's on a Monday, we hoped this would allow people to drive up Sunday arvo, overnight at Benalla then hit the track early.