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Member Since 18 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2023 12:46 AM

In Topic: 95 Lancer GSR

29 July 2015 - 04:16 AM

Nah, never flow tested, I only replaced the filters and o rings before i put them in.


Ive never touched the timing, and nothing was checked prior.

I will look into both.

Cheers for the advice guys.

In Topic: 95 Lancer GSR

28 July 2015 - 06:12 AM

Got the car on the dyno for the first time yesterday. Just to get an idea of where it was at.
It made 115kw at the wheels, on 10psi, but on the 2nd of 3 pulls it had a knock at about 5000RPM and we stopped.
He said the boost rose to 12 pound when it had the knock. He had also said the car was running a bit rich.


Afterwards I realised the sudden power loss and feeling of a restriction I've been experiencing for awhile is probably also the result of the engine knocking. It usually happens to me at full throttle in 3rd or 4th, say when I'm on a highway entry.

Some details on it-
4g93t, had a head rebuild 10,000k's ago, with stock internals but ported and polished.
Evo 3 turbo, ecu, afm, injectors, and intercooler setup.
Standard 93t throttle body, intake and exhaust manifold (ported for the td05).
2.5" exhaust.

Never more then 5000ks between services which includes plugs, it runs really smooth and since the rebuild has never overheated.( an old problem it used to have).

Does anyone have advice or thoughts on what or where I should be looking to try and prevent this, not chasing ridiculous power just want to be able to put my foot down and enjoy my car. Cheers!

In Topic: Cutting polycarbonate sheeting (3mm thick)

17 June 2015 - 10:14 PM

I once worked at a sign writer shop making big light boxes, for acrylic and polycarb we used a big bench saw with an acrylic blade installed. (They had alternating tooth angles)


I reckon a circular saw with an aluminium or steel blade would work ok though.

Anything with large course teeth will chip or crack it.


We also always left the sheet of protective paper stuff on.


Hope that helps somehow.

In Topic: WTB: GSR Rolling Shell

24 February 2015 - 10:22 PM

God, Its beautiful.

I would feel a bit bad for putting a 93 in it though.

In Topic: EOI gsr rolling shell

20 February 2015 - 10:53 AM

damn it but thanks evo-gsr i'm trying to chase a decent shell for my brother so we can both do a project gsr at the same time

I contacted him earlier this week, it's sold.