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Member Since 22 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 13 2016 10:50 PM

#281435 Newbie from SA

Posted by miss_hendo on 01 August 2013 - 01:45 AM

Hey welcome! I spotted you on Modified Mitsubishi. Really love the GC Galant GSII hardtop you've got.

#278411 Few questions about our new GSR

Posted by miss_hendo on 11 June 2013 - 09:31 AM

Hi, sorry if this is a repeated topic but I'm looking for some answers. Was there ever an ADM GSR that had a fixed back rear seat but no X frame?

We recently bought a 1993 CC GSR to fix up. Whilst going over the car (pulling interior out etc) we've found a few things that don't add up.
  • The car doesn't have an Australian compliance plate, but instead a sticker and the vin number on the fire wall is pop-riveted on.
  • Has cloth recaros and matching fixed back rear seats.
  • No X frame, but when we tried to install a set of split fold rear seats from our purple gsr there were no mounting holes!?
  • Different dash cluster (to 180kph)
  • Has the mirror fold switch, but mirrors don't fold
  • The rear parcel shelf has the hole for the rear windscreen wiper, but no wiper (heaps of broken glass was found under the carpet, which 'may' suggest it once had a rear windscreen with wiper but the rear windscreen was smashed so normal lancer one installed?)
  • The two front door trims are dark grey, electric window switches, but have soft velour type fabric (mottle grey) inserts and speaker grills.
  • Found Jap coins stuck in the sound deadening on the floor (some floating around loose).
  • Aerial is on pillar.
From the beginning we just thought someone was enthusiastic about jspec gsrs and had collected these parts, but now after reading what's been said previously on this forum, we're unsure if we're dealing with a jspec or aus spec.

Any insight would be much appreciated,