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Member Since 03 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 24 2013 06:40 AM


26 February 2013 - 11:25 AM

Has anyone got Rota Grids on there evo. Im looking at 18" x 9"and would like to know the fitment if someone has them.
I dont want to have to get arch work done so if they scrub i will just think of another wheel possible I have a 8 mr .

Need a little help, Rego

10 February 2013 - 09:27 AM

Hey, im new to the country and dont really get this rego thing so hoping one of you guys have done this.

I bought my evo 8 from Sydney from a car dealer. I am the first owner here. It has 3 months nsw rego which I assume is for the dealer not too sure though. When I reg it in Vic do I have to pay stamp duty on the car when I reg it? or is it just the insterstate fee which i put the market value at 0?

If I put the market value on its adds a extra $1184 on top of the normal fee?

Any help would be awesome!

New Guy

10 February 2013 - 09:23 AM

Hi folks,
Iv moved over from Scotland and bought myself a evo 8 mr, Just thought id drop by say hi.
I will eventually get some pictures up of it. I bought it from All imports in Sydney for $33000 With 37000kms on the clock.
Seemed a good company to deal with.