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Member Since 13 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 13 2016 07:27 AM

In Topic: Replacing headlight globes- is there an easy way?

30 May 2015 - 10:38 PM

There are two philip screws holding up those foglight glass cover to its housing.. advisable using screwdriver tip with t coupling due to the limited space.. just remember, dont unscrew it off.. just loosen it and pry open those glass cover.. it just slip on.. easier to fit those screw back later..

Btw.. just finished diy-ed retrofitting morimoto mini h1 to my stock oem nimbus headlamp.. so bye bye h4 bulb..welcome hid 4300k.. the cut off pic taken by crappy phone camera..its a lot sharper in real time..Attached File  PicsArt_1432818067350.jpg   234.52KB   81 downloadsAttached File  PicsArt_1433023308922.jpg   222.11KB   79 downloadsAttached File  20150530_192904.jpg   77.93KB   79 downloads

In Topic: Removing Spare Wheel Carrier

13 August 2014 - 07:07 AM

loaded up was what my calculations / estimates were referring to...plus the drag it would create.

Loaded was better than fill up in the trunk in terms of car's handling..and the drag just minimal..
On daily, its not permanently attached.. only on long vacation trip.

anyone else as curious as I am about those wing things at the bottom of the rear screen! wow, never seen that on an rvr.
Tali Kasut, does your car have a woodgrain trim interior? or a front lip on the spoiler?

Its original rvr rear middle spoiler.. even here only few of us got it.. had to do some custom job to fit in chariot spacewagon tailgate..similar to the hsg front lip which is not oem mitsu..probably, its from accessories shop over there in japan. For interior, mine still black trim..

In Topic: Removing Spare Wheel Carrier

12 August 2014 - 03:47 PM

Great idea, I never thought of doing it that way. Do the supports you welded in hold any weight or are they just to hold the bar up?

Mine just to hold the bumper up.. but still able to support if one person sit on it..
To make it stronger..u can add more 2inche square bar vertically in between those plate..no problem even if u stand up on the bumper.

In Topic: Removing Spare Wheel Carrier

11 August 2014 - 01:56 PM

removes 80kg rear bar and adds 90kg box on the roof ^ !!

Those box itself just 18kg.. pretty useful for this mid size wagon...and my hsg engine is more than enough to drag this thingy.

In Topic: Removing Spare Wheel Carrier

10 August 2014 - 07:57 PM

And here is chariot nimbus rear bumper support bar.. a lil bit welding job to fit those support plates taken from the hsg support bar..