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Member Since 04 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 27 2013 01:28 AM

G-Day from the eastside

19 March 2013 - 03:43 AM

Thought id better introduce myself, I bought ILUSZN's VR4 Galant at the start of this year.

This is my second Mitsubishi after owning a JD Starion for a short while years ago(vowed never to own another mitsubishi, lol)

Car is my daily drive, its actually off the road atm while I change turbos, putting a TD05 20G on, replacing the massive presision turbo that was on it. (watch the parts forum soon :P)

So far im happy with the setup, may respray it once I build my garage. nothing to crazy mods

Anyway look forward to picking the brains of the guru's on here in the tech section.

