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Member Since 14 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Private

In Topic: 4G63t long motor weight?

26 April 2013 - 11:28 PM

hey baz, i put a complete 93 block as 80Kgs just a fortnight ago so as a estimate 120 -140, ya havn't got bathroom scales?

In Topic: Best Evo 1-3 rims?

11 April 2013 - 08:29 AM

very true wheels are an individuals taste^^ although tarmacs have always been popular, timeless classis

In Topic: FS: Heap of 4G63 parts! Price Drops!

09 April 2013 - 06:35 AM

sweet all good to post yea?? i was on my phone an didnt see the sydney,
if its all good pm ya bank details and ill send it through asap
cheers, Jamie

In Topic: FS: Heap of 4G63 parts! Price Drops!

09 April 2013 - 01:42 AM

keen on the e7 master and booster where are you

In Topic: assorted parts - gsr evo - new bits added

08 April 2013 - 11:10 AM

hey bro pretty keen on the oil cooler if jet 65 doesnt want it,