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Member Since 15 Mar 2013Offline Last Active Feb 07 2015 12:53 AM
Vr4 openin vr4 jspecprted filter housing took it out a bit much but a shim behind the spring got my pressures spot on |
coolersin vr4 jspecprted filter housing took it out a bit much but a shim behind the spring got my pressures spot on |
Oil housingin vr4 jspecprted filter housing took it out a bit much but a shim behind the spring got my pressures spot on |
dash bluein vr4 jspecapexi deltafin 450x230x65 |
coolerin vr4 jspecapexi deltafin 450x230x65 |
blue parkin vr4 jspechaving a blue and white fetish for some reason , it all started with the rocker cover |
Vr4 openin vr4 jspec
glantin vr4 jspec
galant whitein vr4 jspec
galant shocksin vr4 jspec