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Member Since 15 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2015 12:53 AM

Fs vr4 jspec 89 facelift WA $8000 ono

06 February 2015 - 02:38 PM

Check the link for specs selling my pride and joy

fitting evo 3 lsd using 3 bolt axles

19 January 2015 - 01:44 PM

I purchsed a e3 centre about 6 month ago and researched how to fit it and could only come up with having to use 4 both axles.
I hunted for some with no such joy , i then looked thru a ton of cv pdfs trying figure out how to do it the gave up.
I went meet brian or bmgtz yesterday and took some 3 bolt axles to compare with his hoard of gsr evo axles and after some comparing the answer to it became so simple.

All you need is a evo plate centre and the inner cv cups and joints , the evo joint has same spline as 3 bolt axle and fits perfectly. The evo cup also fits perfectly in our housing as does the centre.
So there it is so plain and simple

vr4 auto monte carlo ecu

08 January 2015 - 02:04 PM

As title says monte carlo ecu for sale in WA
part No-MD-153695
Price - $ ?
Not sure what its worth amaya lists them new for $1200 😱
Thinking around $350 posted ?? Or offers

rear inner cv cups required to run evo 3 lsd

11 November 2014 - 01:23 PM

http://www.google.co...cGZvJKNFLXfm0vw look in the mitsubishi section and find cups that have 25 outer spline 22 inner spline and 50mm seal. Ie ra colt , non turbo cordia and others. These will fit e3 centre and vr4 housing but will allow use of 3 bolt axles coz lets face it 4 bolts are hens teeth

rim size and offsets

06 November 2014 - 01:20 PM

What rim sizes and offsets is everybody running ? Ive currently got 17x7 wearing 215/45s and a+35 offset. Im looking at using 17x7s with a +40 offset with same tyres. Anybody using that combo ?