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Member Since 02 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active May 19 2024 02:31 AM

In Topic: Search does not find any results

19 May 2024 - 02:22 AM

A bit late to the party, but if anyone wants to find anything specific on this website then I suggest using Google. 

If you add certain text to your search query it will narrow the results down for you to what you want. 

For example you can punch in:
                                               site:4gtuner.com    intitle:what word you are searching for in the title of the thread

                                               site:4gtuner.com    intext:what key word you want to find in any particular thread

So yeah, if I punch in: site:4gtuner.com intext:ZR4 these are the results I get:
                                              https://www.google.c...<br> :thumbsup:  :thumbsup: 

In Topic: Is this site going to shut down?

17 February 2024 - 03:36 PM

Great to hear..I agree, just wanted to check as have seen it happen with other forums that have been taken over by damn FB groups.

Fuck Facebook, and fuck all the bots!


In Topic: I didn't realise how dead the forum was.

17 February 2024 - 09:27 AM

I saw this and thought I would post it for all the OG RVR enthusiasts. Apparently no one on the planet has modified a RVR and this guy is the pioneer [emoji38]

I saw the quote of Matt Pollock's post and cringed so hard inside I decided to jump back on the forums. Imagine what Aldo would say about that  :w00t: 

Look at the fakery that Fakebook is pumping out? Gawd it is evil. The guy doesn't even have a clue? All the gear, but no idea.

In the past I have attempted to communicate with him to offer some advice in regards to ideal suspension height for the track, but he isn't open to constructive criticism. Throwing in any ol' dampener you can get to fit will work, but unless you bench dyno the retrofitted article against the OE stuff then it's pretty much hoping for the best... especially when you slam the car out on top. You cannot have 'form' over 'function' then ignore facts when presented, only to call it the cutting edge/world's first/pioneering R&D. That is fkn LUDICROUS at best. Especially when he pays a shop to do the work. 
