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Member Since 10 May 2005
Offline Last Active Feb 17 2013 12:56 AM

In Topic: [VIC] Dyno Day - 2012 Springy Motors - Saturday 14th April

13 January 2012 - 08:23 AM

any updates for this Baz?

Wouldn't mind throwing mine up for kicks

In Topic: Any motorbike owner/riders on 4gtuner?

18 January 2011 - 06:46 AM

Love bikes. But i'm working around the corner from home, so i drive majority of the time. i'm contemplating going back to work in the city just so i can get more riding done.

I've had 3 cbr250rr's, 05+06+07 gixxer600's, 08 gixxer1000, 08 r6, 02+05+07+ 2x 08 r1's, 07cbr1000, and 02cbr600f4i - which was meant to be the stunter but never made it. I could put pics of all the bikes up, but i doubt theres much interest for bikes here.

Been through one major crash on the 07 r1 but luckily ended on the blokes bonnet.

I try to get off the bikes, but always end up finding myself back on one. The most comfortable one to ride would be the 08gix1000, but the one that gives me the chills everytime i ride would be the 07-08 r1.

I'm up for a ride anytime :D