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Member Since 30 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 18 2013 11:13 PM

Motor swap limitations

09 June 2013 - 08:14 AM

So me being new to the area I keep hearing chatter about how everything you do to a car has to be certified by someone or what not. I just picked up a 98 hatch an if I was to swap a 4g93 into it would i have to get it certified or could I just swap it an drive?
Also I've done some searching on the forum an cant find any performance shops that sell intake manifolds an injectors etc... Any help with that? Thanks in advance

Hola from Gosford!

17 April 2013 - 09:20 PM

Hey y'all my name is Jacquez an I have just recently moved to this country from South Carolina. Got married to a Aussie an gona call this place home.
Not really new to the car scene, I built a mirage back in the states that I'm still working on an hopefully when I'm done it will be a semi race car....
Anywho I'm looking to buy ,one of the members on this forum, gsr!! Always wanted one since they don't make em in the states.
Hop to meet an chat with alot of y'all