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Member Since 16 Apr 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 31 2017 09:50 PM

#300646 RVR cas's

Posted by Connor on 22 May 2014 - 12:26 PM

I have 2 on my SSG engine, front of engine, cam and crank. Single on the back of head for HSG which I think is the same as an evo 3 IIRC


My HSG has a cam and crank sensor, one on the back of the head and one on the crank???

#300391 Cars. I have them. Let me show you them. My cars.

Posted by Connor on 19 May 2014 - 07:32 AM

Love the 90's style cars!


Always had a soft spot for the N13 Pulsars... Preferred the sedan but wouldn't mind a good condition hatch either.... 



I used to have a SVD pulsar vector, basically a two tone black on silver N13 sedan. It looked like a mini R31. 


The wheels are bit meh, but yeah I loved it and regretted selling it ever since.



PS. sorry to hijack the thread.

#293255 Eoi for RVR track race day at Queensland Parkway

Posted by Connor on 26 January 2014 - 01:44 PM

I have some relatives up in QLD, I could kill two birds with one stone. I just have to get mine back together.

#291189 stock hsg engine compression

Posted by Connor on 27 December 2013 - 04:39 PM


#290166 RVR Hyper Sports Gear R

Posted by Connor on 08 December 2013 - 01:03 PM

Hey I see you have those stupid Narva trailer tail lights that mine has! My reverse lights don't work and half the time the others don't either.

#286712 RVR HSG ECU woes

Posted by Connor on 14 October 2013 - 07:47 AM




Here is a video of it running off the evo 6 ecu without swapping any of the wires, also I forgot I had left the A/C on so it didn't want to start to easy. This was on a cold engine, A/C on and the first time starting since I unplugged the ecu last night.



Obviously it is too lean to drive but once I get my tactrix 2.0 cable and rescale the injectors I should have a good starting point.

#286019 not for sale anymore, please delete thanks

Posted by Connor on 05 October 2013 - 05:44 AM

Pictures please.

#277750 RVR suspension, handling and equipment

Posted by Connor on 29 May 2013 - 02:29 PM

Ok, so I installed Evo X MR bilstein suspension in my RVR, fronts went in easy with the exception of the bilstein shock shaft being too large in diameter for the RVR top hat but after some "modifying" it fitted. I ended up with these results up the front:

+1 or 2 degree camber.
A fair amount of toe-out
Ride height was about the same as a standard RVR with the standard Eibach springs and bilsteins.

So I put my stocks suspension back in until my Evo lowered springs arrive which I will install with some camber bolts as well.

Unfortunately the rears don't fit as the mount on the RVR is larger than the EVO X's and is also tapered. I will be sending mine to have the RVR eyelet welded on the bilsteins.

Over all the shock stroke is reduced about 1-2inchs in the front and the rear.

I think the earlier EVO suspension would be a easier swap but I chose the X because it's weight was the closest to the RVR.

Hope this helps.

#275177 RVR suspension, handling and equipment

Posted by Connor on 16 April 2013 - 02:23 PM

Hey guys,

I bought an RVR yesterday (I will do a intro ASAP) and I am looking at fitting so better suspension, so I have been researching and have found that Evo X front struts are the same as Evo 7-9 but the other interesting thing is that the Evo X uses a eyelet bottom mount on the rear so there is no need for any welding.

Just thought I would share this with you guys, i look forward to sharing my build with you all.