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Member Since 03 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 02 2018 12:51 PM

#330055 Low headlight washer fluid?

Posted by Django on 18 May 2016 - 07:06 AM

yeah that's the light elnevio, the misses was driving it when it came on and what she described to me sounded like a coolant light. I freaked a bit when I heard that, got her to stop and wait for me to come check it out :D

#321734 Benzo's new ride

Posted by Django on 03 September 2015 - 06:45 AM

Sounds like it will be a monster, you will grow very attached to the kit mate, I know I did, give it time. I've got a VL Turbo now and I never liked them with any kits, but the one that's on mine I've grown to love and cherish like a first born, All the best with the work on it !



#316069 1999 rvr. reviews anyone?

Posted by Django on 13 April 2015 - 12:21 PM

They would be a great car TBOWGN.


Jamo, from memory the rust in RVR's were the same year models as the year models of the evos with rust. In saying that though, I'm yet to see a white RVR with roof rust and would like someone to confirm if they have it or not in a white RVR. I can only assume the black is more susceptible because it attracts heat a little more? not sure.


Yes, Warbo in the '97 HSG you could get a fairly good idea of the state of the roof skin just by unscrewing the interior light. The light in those is right in the center of a crossbeam and perfect for viewing where the silicon was put to see how badly the rust has corroded. Not sure about the '99 but most cars do the same thing with the light...

#310020 [BNE] GSR converted to EVO III with cage and seat

Posted by Django on 22 November 2014 - 12:18 AM

I'm on the lookout for something like this!

#307470 Replacing lifters

Posted by Django on 11 September 2014 - 11:16 AM

Sold and sent, they're pretty cheap to buy from Meek though south and they make the job a breeze!



#307308 Cordia engine

Posted by Django on 08 September 2014 - 12:05 PM

Got a 4G62T motor and gearbox for sale on Ebay, feel free to make an offer on it or let anyone know that might be interested. Let me know if the link doesn't work. Will fit any old Mitsubishi RWD or FWD.




#307283 Replacing lifters

Posted by Django on 08 September 2014 - 08:23 AM

Yeah that's the one South, I got it from Meek. I had a PM come through earlier than your post so it's sold pending payment, sorry mate, I have to go with first in best dressed, your next in line if it falls through though.


All the best.

#307153 Replacing lifters

Posted by Django on 06 September 2014 - 05:07 AM

feel bad for all you guys having to spend hours trying to pry and prod, risking damaging something so if anyone needs the lifter tool, I've got one, I'll take 10 bucks plus postage, used once, good nic.

#306476 Fitting a TD06 - 25g to an RVR

Posted by Django on 26 August 2014 - 08:17 AM

Epic work, love how you've really utilized the space you had to work with. Love external gate setups, nice one mate.

#293943 RVR HSG Head Rebuild - Now vibrating violently/no power

Posted by Django on 04 February 2014 - 09:32 AM

backing plate behind crank pulley rubbing on the belt? Check for damage to the timing belt with upper timing case cover off. Check tensions on accessory belts and make sure nothing is too tight. Nothing I've heard before though...

#292627 Kickdown on hill descent

Posted by Django on 18 January 2014 - 11:11 PM

wow, I really like the way it does that. My car never did it on a flat road though, unless coming to a stop. It was always when going downhill and I thought it was great. We have really hilly country roads around here so it's perfect, it drove like I would with a manual. If you don't like it, maybe the hold button will help? Never used it on our car but I assume it will hold you in the gear you are in?

#292323 1995 RVR sports gear rebuild questions.

Posted by Django on 14 January 2014 - 07:01 AM

I'm not gonna say KLS turbos are good or bad cause I don't know, all i know is manufacturers that make wet floats are usually based in china and terrible products.

#292071 LED Light Bar on HSGR?

Posted by Django on 10 January 2014 - 11:50 PM

HID Lights are not illegal to retrofit in NSW.


Check your states RMS site if you want to be 100% for other states. As Jack has already said the 4300k ones are awesome, much better than your standard crappy globe. My missus and myself both use HIDs and have never had any problems with other people on the road.


Thats a whole other argument and it's more to do with how bright they are when they hit your eye when the opposing car comes over a crest. But ALL new cars do this anyway, even with self leveling headlights, some cars only level 10 seconds after angle is changed on the car and some cars like beamers level up when at a red light when pressing the brake to compensate braking.


Even late model Evo has an adjustment they can make in the cab by a controller so stupid people can level both their headlights to the same height or worse.


My point is, if you need more light for safety reasons, cause your lights are terrible, by all means get some HID's.

#291715 Roof rust

Posted by Django on 06 January 2014 - 06:25 AM

I thought about this a fair bit when we had ours, if you found an RVR wrecking from '91 or '92 and maybe even '93, I'm not sure what year exactly they started putting the rust causing sica in Mitsubishi cars but I'm sure you'll be able to chop and weld anything you needed.

#291501 Hsg td05 turbo is a hybrid turbo?

Posted by Django on 03 January 2014 - 02:27 AM

Here in Australia we call him Tony Abbott