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Posted by CanadianCD9A
on 29 April 2018 - 01:37 AM
Just buy an Evo123 turbo. To use a 4-9 turbo you either get a custom manifold ($$$) or drive the car with no radiator, there is no good way to do this.
Posted by CanadianCD9A
on 20 March 2018 - 02:06 AM
Yeah the S14 caliper was pretty popular like a decade ago, but still needed an adapter bracket and a different rotor. Might as well do the GTO brakes at that rate.
Posted by CanadianCD9A
on 31 August 2017 - 04:07 PM
Thank you for that, I would have never thought to change that out, is their an aftermarket solid for that guy available or a easily purchased replacement?
Posted by CanadianCD9A
on 31 August 2017 - 03:37 PM
Are you able to takes pic of what you are referring to, my car is not with me at the moment for me to look but I think I have replaced those aswell Android went solid but just want to make sure . There was one spot on the trans where a bushing would go but was missing completely so I had to make something work.
The Evo II/III definitely has wider track due to the crossmember; I measured against an Evo I crossmember and the difference was significant. The extra wheelbase comes from the control arms on the II/III though. My Evo 1 has a 2/3 crossmember with Evo 1 control arms (and custom ball joints, rotors spaced out 15mm), I have major tire clearance issues at the back of the wheel-well on stock-height tires, but a crazy amount of front track.