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Member Since 20 May 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 28 2013 08:40 AM

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

25 May 2013 - 10:57 AM

i did that too still have the prob :( im soo stress like hell now whats wrong with da car??

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

25 May 2013 - 06:29 AM

yap did exactly what u told it moves in and out but still idle drops :(..

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

25 May 2013 - 04:14 AM

hi sorry for the late reply .. jack when i start the car and unplug the idle vale wire it wont give me a change is it normal??
and as u said me to put a ic base and fix the ic rigt where can i find a ic base bro search in ebay cant find it :(..

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

22 May 2013 - 05:49 AM

ok got it so thatz means i have to replace 2 driver ICs thatz wht u mean right .. did u check the pic i send you .. i knw one is gone and how can i find the other driver ic .. u have any idea witch one .. if u look in to that pic.. and bro is it possible to check the driver ICs gone or not in the ecu .. ? thanks

In Topic: Idle Speed Control problems

22 May 2013 - 04:22 AM

You undid isc and flicked key and isc moved? yes
Does it move with new ecu as well? yes

but still when i put the ac idle drops to 500 it should go up right and when i drive the car idle drops to 0 and its stop the engine :( when i take it off from the Gas paddle ..