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Member Since 27 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2023 10:28 PM

In Topic: Heater....... won't get hot.

29 October 2013 - 10:05 PM

Hey guys,


Sorry to keep this old thread alive but bit of an update for you...


I had my mechanic flush the heater core, and still no improvement in temperature.

What I did notice is that no matter what temperature I have it set to if the AC is on the air comes out ICE COLD...

Driving home last night (post flush) I have the fan on max, temp set to 32 AC (snow button) off, the air was room temp. I left everything set to max and pushed the AC on (snow button) ice cold air came out.


No leaks, car does not appear to overheat.



In Topic: Name that cable

29 October 2013 - 12:46 PM

Hey guys,


Still haven't had a chance to get in and have a closer look.


What I have noticed however is the the sensor from the cat/mid exhaust has been removed and the cable earthed to the chassis... (is this the O2 sensor?)

First question, Why?

Second question will the car run without an O2 sensor?

Thirdly where would someone install an aftermarket O2 sensor if its not on/in the Cat? and might this mystery cable have something to do with it?

In Topic: Wrecking: Brisbane, Complete 1997 Mitsubishi RVR HSGR updatedwith engine, tur...

05 August 2013 - 11:40 AM

Hey I'm after rear speaker covers and the center glove box/drink holder cover. if they're in good condition.


In Topic: Aftermarket Parts List

05 August 2013 - 11:32 AM

Anyone know the valve cover gasket part number at all?

EDIT : Found these at Meek.


Would these fit?

They look like the ones. I got my from Supercheap Auto, ordered them in, was about $5 cheaper than meek.
the Pro-Torque code is GJN715 <- that's with the Spark plug seals and half moon seal.

In Topic: boost preasure testing BOV

05 August 2013 - 11:25 AM

Thanks P055um5m,

installed a boost gauge and the manual boost tee you provided,
Was putting out 11 PSI before boost controller, now I'm getting around 14-15, don't want to push it much further than that for the time being.