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Member Since 27 Jun 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 07 2023 10:28 PM

Replacing lifters

08 December 2013 - 11:45 PM

Hi Team,


Looking ad doing the lifters in the ol HSG as they are starting to tick, (me off).


I've seen this video that makes doing it without removing belts etc look simple :


Just wanted to get everyone's thoughts on it? - Also part numbers if you have them, I'm thinking the lifters with the 3mm hole are the way to go?

Should I be looking at getting a special tool to remove the rockers?

Has anyone had a crack at this themselves?




As a side note, can anyone recommend some good gearbox oil for older transmissions? 

Name that cable

22 October 2013 - 08:23 AM

Hi all,


I was doing a bit of cleaning around the passenger side of my HSG tonight when I came across this mystery cable. - see pics.


I'm not sure if I dislodge it while i was cleaning or if its always been unplugged. Looks like it was leading towards the ECU.


I'm fairly sure its not speaker/radio related as it runs under the passenger carpet (and the speaker still works) - I cant find the end of it without more carpet lifting.


Does anyone have any idea what it might be? It looks like it may have been soldered at some stage.


Since finding it I have taken the car for a drive and can not tell any difference in performance or how the engine runs.



SA exhaust recommendations

10 October 2013 - 05:31 AM

Hey all.
Anyone have a recommendation on a good, reasonably priced exhaust team in the Adelaide area.

Looking for a high flow cat back solution fro my RVR. (Looking for flow not noise)

Happy to go with a backyarder if their work is recommended by others.


Pro-Torque catalogue

15 July 2013 - 10:52 AM

Hi All,

Found this super useful program,

It's the Pro-Torque electronic catalogue, great for looking up part numbers for plugs seals bearings.

Lets you search by make and model or engine number.

Hope this helps.


boost preasure testing BOV

28 June 2013 - 06:52 AM

Hi all,
Recently purchased a 97 hypergear, its my first rvr and I love the looks it gets from others.

Thinking it should have a bit more get up and go than it currently does.

The previous owner installed a 3" dump pipe, pod air filter and a plumb back turbo smart bov.

What are your thoughts on these mods? Keeping in mind I'm after power not noise.

Its done 170k. What should I be checking/replacing as it feels like I'm missing out on a shed load of boost pressure.


PS I'm based in Adelaide so if you're local and have the know how I'm happy to pay for your time