Hi Guys,
Looking at upgrading my turbo after long and hard discussions on which direction i want to go with my car. Have come to the conclusion of selling and upgrading to a bigger turbo.
So will have a Genuine GT3076R with 1.02 exh v band housing. T3 Flanged. Externally Gated.
Has done less than 5000kms and is in perfect nick, no shaft play etc.
Has made a consistent 320-330kws at all 4 on my vehicle on 98 pump and would make more on E85.
Dont think this is a laggy turbo because it isnt probably one of the best street/strip turbos available.
This is not the cheap 3076R with the .70 A/R, this is the .60 A/R with the slotted surge compressor cover.
after $1300
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