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Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2021 08:27 AM

In Topic: Rvr Brembo conversion

11 December 2019 - 09:29 AM

 is there any difference between the HSG and the SSG? would the adapters fit on an SSG with the usual modifications (bolt holes and dust shields)?


 is there any difference between the HSG and the SSG? would the adapters fit on an SSG with the usual modifications (bolt holes and dust shields)?

yeah any diff between HSG & SSG?

In Topic: My nugget is back and i need help :)

09 December 2019 - 01:19 AM

Ran into some extra cash so balled out a little

Evo 9 pistons and rods
Camtech 272's
Evo 9 beehive Springs and alloy retainers
Turbosmart 38 ml wastegate
ARP headstuds
RC racing 750cc injectors
FMIC no brand for now
Evo 8 AFM

Still too do:
some form of a brake setup
Power Fc
Fuel Pump
Trans cooler

Will probably end up rebuilding the motor again and the transmission

In Topic: My nugget is back and i need help :)

04 July 2019 - 01:38 AM

What's wrong with your tranny?
If dave can't fix it then, sheeeeiiiitttt.

Have a suss


In Topic: Auto problem

04 July 2019 - 01:36 AM

Take off normal in 2nd and 1st,but in D it’s lazy,take off like 3.5k rpm for the car to move, feel like slipping, every others gears are find

RVR autos have a problem where they heat up too much and become sluggy and lose gears, from reading a bit here and there seems to be quite a normal thing in our cars.

Have a read of this
Might help a bit


In Topic: My nugget is back and i need help :)

04 July 2019 - 01:31 AM

Hey mate my rvr is at rvo aswell, but dave couldnt fix my auto at all, sighs and i have a built motor too

What's wrong with your tranny?
If dave can't fix it then, sheeeeiiiitttt.