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Member Since 03 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 29 2021 08:27 AM

My nugget is back and i need help :)

29 March 2019 - 03:38 AM

Hey everyone JP here

I've been MIA for about 5 years but im back now and it's good to be back :)

So the RVR is back up and running again after many years of having it hanging on the back burner.

Currently have a rebuilt motor thats done under 30xxx

Potentially has a ported head, not to sure tbh. Old mechanic who worked on this done me over and stole parts from the motor so cant be for certain if he took the ported head and put a standard one or left it.

Reconditioned Auto and strengthened By RVO automatics (bloke actually owns an rvr himself) under 30xxx

kinugawa TD05-20G under 30xxx also

Standard turbosmart BOV from autobarn.

2.5 or 3inch cat back not too sure tbh

Now that it's not on the back burner anymore im looking to put some more $$ into and make some power and enjoy it.

Looking at a turboback exhaust.
Do you guys think getting one made is better than buying a branded one??? If so links or suggestions would be appreciated heaps

Suggestions for a good ECU considering what I have
is the HSG ECU any good?
Or a later model EVO?
Also can they just drop in or is a c*&t of a job to do?

Still have the standard TMIC
Wouldn't mind changing it over for an aftermarket cooler to let it breathe better.

I'm not looking to make FULL HEKTIK OMG BABE DID YOU SEE DAT sorta power
But enough to make c*%ts snap necks and be like Wtf was that???

Would love to munch some yellow BT1-VLT's from the area off the lights and just see their faces as a soccer mum van punches past them hahahaha.

Also rvr is 25 years old now so im eligible for club reg.
Do we have a club?

Cheers once again and it's good to be back here