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Member Since 10 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 23 2016 09:10 PM

changed timing belt car starts runs really rough

12 January 2015 - 02:42 AM

while engine is at top dead centre. dowels facing 12 o clock timing marks line up perfectly. at first we were only getting spark on 2 cylinders. so i got new coil pack for it . we have spark to all cylinders now but still running rough as guts. anyone have a similar problem? we put new head gasket on arp head studs. it has balance shaft deleted so we did not line up oil pump timing marks


22 December 2014 - 09:41 AM

does anyone know what the sensor is below the inlet manifold on the block?

head bolts

02 November 2014 - 10:59 AM

Should the head bolts be replaced if removing the cylinder head? I have found diffent types online as well. Head bolts and studs with nuts. Also 11mm and 12mm. I have a vr4 4g63t. Ive ordered a new head gasket. I found arp head studs in the states for $90 us.

head bolts

02 November 2014 - 10:58 AM

Should the head bolts be replaced if removing the cylinder head? I have found diffent types online as well. Head bolts and studs with nuts. Also 11mm and 12mm. I have a vr4 4g63t. Ive ordered a new head gasket. I found arp head studs in the states for $90 us.