I have been following 4GT's facebook for quite awhile now and the pictures are lovely . I figured I should make an account on here as well. The Mirage forums guys should know this car. I am on there a LOT asking questions for the build.
My car is a 1993 Eagle Summit DL Coupe. Think of it as an RS coupe. crank windows, NO options. no PS, ABS, nothing. I wanted it this way, car started with a 1.5L and has a cable trans too. it weighs in at 1964lbs with no back seat. car will stay FWD unless miracles happen. stock boost for now on an E316g . Engine is a 91' 6-bolt with 272's and kiggly springs with ARP studs. I started the swap last month and I'm almost finished. I can only work some weekends on it.
Pics of where it stands now:
and how it's stance looks when driving
One day I WANT an EVO3! The EVO I is up for importation in 2017 for the USA. I'm waiting.......a CE9A is my dream. hands down #1 dream.
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Member Since 12 Jul 2013Offline Last Active Mar 18 2015 02:47 PM