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Member Since 14 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 09 2018 12:37 AM

4g63 front engine mount bracket

18 January 2018 - 01:02 AM

Hi All,


Currently I have that L shaped bracket front timing engine mount on the motor (6 bolt 4g63) which looks like its brings the engine down a few cms in the car (92 CC GSR) 


Looks like this



I've been looking at photos online and the evo 3 front bracket and engine mount looks like it levels the motor out?


Not sure if this is the right one but it looks similar to this





Is there something I can do to the L shape mount bracket or do I need to buy the evo 3 bracket and mount? if so anyone know links or oem part numbers I can hunt for? 


I also notice the Powersteering pump connects to the L shaped bracket does that mean I have to get another powersteering pump to fit it to the evo 3 mount? 


Thanks in advance. 

Manual Shifter Issue

16 January 2018 - 05:31 AM

Good Afternoon All,


I tried searching for answers but I just don't know how to describe it exactly - I have a CC GSR with a 4G63 conversion the H Pattern shifter is all pushed to the right... e.g. 1st is where 3rd is normally and 5th is way to the right alot more then usual. It goes into gear all good just really weird how everything is pushed to the right.


Anyone experience this before? Thanks in advance.