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Member Since 29 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2013 10:39 AM

#281538 Newbie from SA

Posted by A112H on 03 August 2013 - 05:13 AM

Welcome to the VR4s in Adelaide Jason... I didnt think Russell was keen on letting his VR4 go ! Mike

He wasn't really Mike but he knows it is in good hands :D I will come see you in September to fit the bigger injectors and tune the ecu .

#281264 Newbie from SA

Posted by A112H on 29 July 2013 - 11:07 PM

Hi guys,
Recently bought myself a 1992 E39A VR-4 Galant to be used as my daily. It has been in the family for a while and has had lots of work done mechanically but the body is poor, so will be on the hunt for lots of bits and pieces but this is a good fun little car.
I have loved Galants most of my life and have owned just about every model over the years.
Currently I have;
1992 E39A VR-4 Galant - Daily
1979 A123H Scorpion (Galant) GS/R - X2, Sons first car project.
1975 A112H Galant GSII Hardtop - W/ends
1973 A55C Galant GTO X-II - Project
1972 A53H Galant GS Hardtop - Just sold

Anyway, I am going for a look around the site, looking forward to a cruise or meet,

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