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Member Since 29 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2013 10:39 AM

VR-4 Central Locking

30 July 2013 - 04:47 AM

Anyone fitted remote central locking to their VR-4?
Someone tried breaking into mine and have damaged to drivers door lock so the key no longer works. It is becoming very annoying climbing over the passenger seat to flick the switch on the door.
I have bought a central locking kit with the idea of simply hooking it into my factory central locking, efectivly giving me a button for my stock system but I am having trouble making it work.

So, has anyone done this before?
Can anyone link me a wiring diagram for the factory central locking?

Thanks in advance,

Newbie from SA

29 July 2013 - 11:07 PM

Hi guys,
Recently bought myself a 1992 E39A VR-4 Galant to be used as my daily. It has been in the family for a while and has had lots of work done mechanically but the body is poor, so will be on the hunt for lots of bits and pieces but this is a good fun little car.
I have loved Galants most of my life and have owned just about every model over the years.
Currently I have;
1992 E39A VR-4 Galant - Daily
1979 A123H Scorpion (Galant) GS/R - X2, Sons first car project.
1975 A112H Galant GSII Hardtop - W/ends
1973 A55C Galant GTO X-II - Project
1972 A53H Galant GS Hardtop - Just sold

Anyway, I am going for a look around the site, looking forward to a cruise or meet,


New owner in SA

29 July 2013 - 10:55 PM

Hi guys,

Looking forward to a cruise or meet,
