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Member Since 08 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Sep 10 2021 01:29 AM

#307675 Fuel System Upgrades

Posted by deepsouth on 16 September 2014 - 09:27 AM

Thanks Hyper-Mike, I emptied half a can of RP7 on there already with not much luck. 

I'll follow it down, worst case is I'll cut it and flare it, explored the AN fittings today...TOO expensive for now.

Also explored the welding them on, our welder at work was like "nah, if that plate warps you're stuffed, and I don't want anything to do with that"

My boss suggested putting on some EFI hose and clamps and put a barb into the hose after cutting the nuts out, may also just head down that route.

#307514 Replacing lifters

Posted by deepsouth on 12 September 2014 - 07:49 AM

Yeah they are, was going to grab one then saw your post, back to meek :)


#306556 Precision Turbo

Posted by deepsouth on 28 August 2014 - 06:19 AM

This has been sold, thanks gents.

#306550 Replacing lifters

Posted by deepsouth on 28 August 2014 - 03:35 AM

Cylinder Head 107 - 4G63 HLA Lifter Tech:

Don't get much better than this

#305967 Rear engine mount sourcing issues

Posted by deepsouth on 15 August 2014 - 09:26 AM

Deepsouth, you have a manual?

When I say manual I mean parts breaks down, I wish I had a manual...sorry :(


No worries TBOWGN glad to help where I can, nothing more frustrating than chasing parts for these cars!

#305931 Rear engine mount sourcing issues

Posted by deepsouth on 14 August 2014 - 12:10 PM

Which one do you need?

21831 MB691464 02701R MR171913 02701L MB691492 02807 MB948000

#305930 Rear engine mount sourcing issues

Posted by deepsouth on 14 August 2014 - 12:08 PM


#305628 Update

Posted by deepsouth on 09 August 2014 - 04:10 AM

So another update, life has been hectic and the weather has sucked so getting a saturday when the weather is clear and i'm not working has been rare.

But finally today it happened! 

Got this killer kit P1180123_zps0d410304.jpg from work to track down those pesky boost and vacuum leaks.

It has all these fittings and you fit the compressorP1180124_zps39353e93.jpg to the regulator and voosh, open close, charge the systemP1180125_zps432fe068.jpg to recommended PSI ( I did 20psi for now )then listen.

Found 3 leaks so far, first was turbo inlet pipe, it had a rubber inner that had been folded over and was causing a poor seal so rectified that.

The other two were pains! First one was the Idle control sensor, a little bit of soapy water and BOOM bubbles coming right out from the middle of ICS!P1180119_zpsfe10fc1f.jpg

Couldnt get a good picture but it was frothing like crazy, good thing today was replacement day, replaced it and no more leaks and a beautifully idling car finally!



The second was from a screw thingy in the throttle body, haven't addressed that one yet as my wife needed the car. 

Even had a helper today,P1180129_zpsa2238793.jpg she was super stoked to find out I was working on the car, she came running out and was into it straight away! 


So next will be fixing the throttle body leak and replacing the brake pads all around, then custom exhaust, get the head done and fit some big cams, bigger turbo and ecu.

Slowly eating this elephant!

#304117 Precision Turbo

Posted by deepsouth on 12 July 2014 - 11:36 AM

Thanks Marinetowing, BK owes you ;)

#300726 Front Diff Swap

Posted by deepsouth on 23 May 2014 - 07:44 AM

Bit scary only having one stand under the front, or is that an optical illusion?

I thought you were supposed to use them in pairs so the car doesn't fall on you.


Is that an actual jacking point? I have always worried about where to jack up the HSGR

So far haven't bent anything but always worry.

Looks like the front white one is holding up the engine while the two blues are jacked up holding axles or under a-arms

Jealous of all that space!

#300112 Anyone familiar with a Black EVO 5 in tassie

Posted by deepsouth on 14 May 2014 - 11:35 AM

Haven't seen it but if you ring Pro Automotive i'm sure they will let you know what the car is like, I did that before I bought mine and they were more than helpful.

#288677 Kayak fishing

Posted by deepsouth on 14 November 2013 - 07:08 AM

I love kayak fishing! So much fun, nothing like being able to get right into those spots others can't!

I was fishing in one spot and had fish jumping into the yak and over it! 

When you hook onto a good fish and you watch your tip disappear into the water and the drag is screaming, its addictive!


  • ted likes this

#288561 Aftermarket Parts List

Posted by deepsouth on 12 November 2013 - 12:17 PM

Only of it on the car, I still have the box if you want a pick of the box?


 Got any pics of this sensor?

#287112 272 Camshafts?

Posted by deepsouth on 20 October 2013 - 11:17 AM



It is an awesome read and essentially explains each motor likes particular cams depending on setup.

I would have a read and then make your choice based on what you want to do.

#285969 GOLD

Posted by deepsouth on 04 October 2013 - 09:31 AM

So stumbled across this post from EVL20T that showed a website to ALL the part numbers for most jap cars... turns out the RVR was present!!! WOOHOOO
So here is the website address, this is to the jap mitsubishi, scroll down to pajero and the RVR is just below it, just check the model plate on your car for the model,
THANKS EVL20T you are the MAN!!
