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L300 Turbo

L300 Turbo

Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2017 02:35 AM

#336352 Starwagon ( Big Bird )

Posted by L300 Turbo on 20 March 2017 - 09:42 AM

Hey All 
Its been a while since I've had a chance to work on this project but with some unwanted time off work I've been having a crack.  I did pull it down and did replace all gaskets. Inspected pistons rings bearings end float all this shit with that done  it's  back together and in the van. I took out the Microtech ecu and replaced it with a Haltech 750 and a Tech Edge Wideband controller so i can run E85 down the track.
Its been a slow process due to funds but it's finally nearly ready to crank over i do have a few little things to sort out such as aircon, intercooler, BOV,  Oil cooler, Air temp sensor all part of the fun.
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20170320 155546
IMG 20170130 194049
IMG 20170130 193934

Will keep you posted as i get things done 

Cheers Matt 

#316197 Starwagon ( Big Bird )

Posted by L300 Turbo on 17 April 2015 - 06:40 AM

Hey all


thought Id attach a few more pics


hopefully get some time to have a look at this weekend

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20150414_175950.jpg
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#316046 Starwagon ( Big Bird )

Posted by L300 Turbo on 13 April 2015 - 09:36 AM

Hi All


Was scrolling thru gumtree a few weeks ago and found this Starwagon that had been listed on there for a year. Its a unfinished project with a DOCH 4g63t 90% finished, Microtech LT8, external waste gate, Turbo smart blow off valve.  I thought I'd take a chance and see if they guy still had it and he did. I asked what was his price and $4000 was the awnser i offerer $2000 and no deal was made. But 9 days later he had seen the light he rang me and said if i could pick it up the next day he would take $2000 so i went and picked it up.


So as is


EVO 3 4g63t  ( According to the recipts )

Microtech LT8


blow off valve

surge tank

low pressure and high pressure fuel pump

new 17" wheels

2 year old paint

mandrel bent exhaust


Not a bad score i thought



Attached Thumbnails

  • 20150406_105234.jpg
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#300154 Noobie L300 help please

Posted by L300 Turbo on 15 May 2014 - 07:51 AM

Hey mate,


Talking about a L300 van i have one the same , I purchased it witha turbo on it but not running , I used the 64 block got a forged crank of Ebay for $500 manley rods and piston from u.s  for a $1000 and had it put back together for $2000. I purchased a brand new head from Ebay $500 i think sent it to head shop and built to suit turbo $500. Got a turbo exhaust manifold of a cordia and tdo5 turbo and blolted it on hooked up some water and oil lines with an exhaust and  microtech ecu and all works fine. Ive just towed a fully loaded encloed car trailer sydney to melbourne and adelaide and did it with out a sweat.

It really depends on what head your going to use a SOHC 8-12 v can use cordia turbo parts or SOHC 16v + DOHC 16v run the same gear so evo vr4 and can use trition intake manifold to swap from front/all wheel drive to rear wheel drive so yeah it can be done easy

#292259 L300 Expressed

Posted by L300 Turbo on 13 January 2014 - 10:11 AM

Hey All



After a lot of mucking around and to no success i wasn't able to get the Cyclone dash head to start on the engine, So i pulled it off and stuck the 8v 64 head back on Re-wired T.P.S and injectors filled everything up and started first kick, Whoo what a relief. I let it warm up checked for leaks then took it for a test run it didn't seem to go the best but it does need a Dynotune to suit this engine, Hopefully everthing goes well but we will see.


I will let you know how it goes on the dyno next week


All the best


  • ted likes this

#291468 L300 Expressed

Posted by L300 Turbo on 02 January 2014 - 01:15 PM


#291466 L300 Expressed

Posted by L300 Turbo on 02 January 2014 - 01:09 PM


#286106 L300 Expressed

Posted by L300 Turbo on 06 October 2013 - 10:16 AM

Hi All,

I thought I'd start a spill about my van !
htc 020.jpg

In August this year I purchased a L300 turbo van off gumtree with a Cyclone DASH motor in it , the previous owner stated that it had overheated and had the head redone but couldn't get it to start ( and me being gullabol i belived him). So on closer inspection once i got it home i was soon to relize that the microtech ECU was incorrectly installed as when i went to see if or what would happen when i tryed to start it WOW smoke everywhere fried ECU, well that started a chain of reactions, Like check for compression...... None on three cylinders whilst doing that check for oil pressure none there either ........ At this stage i have got the shits totally and ready to burn it, I've bought someone else's problem.
Luckly for me i had some luck with Microtech as they fixed my ECU for free and i have in my shed a ship load of spares from my first build of a 4g64 which i incorrectly purchased for that but will fit this 4g63 Cyclone DASH engine

So the next stage for this pain is get all her gear off, Block out and ready for a bit of TLC. I have delivered it to my local engine builders to remove the pistons and crank then measure the block for any signs of wear. Once all of that is completed BG Engines will install forged crank, manley rods, Forged pistons and all new ARP bolts, I have ordered a new oil pump from the US purchased all new gaskets, water pump, light weight pullys sent the head to RAMS heads for service and clean up. just need to chase up a good clutch and pressure plate and i'm set for when my block returns.

I will keep regular up dates to this and if any has any questions on what has been done or how to do it to a van ask away

cheers L300 turbo