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L300 Turbo

L300 Turbo

Member Since 09 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 11 2017 02:35 AM

In Topic: Starwagon ( Big Bird )

22 March 2017 - 09:59 AM

Managed to get a few more hours in got the Rad and fans in A/C condenser and the inter-cooler all jammed in one spot even got the blow off valve tucked away nicely a few more pipes on the inter-cooler and plumb up blow off valve and external wastegate oil water and fuel and she's a goer
I downloaded the base maps i need for the Haltech so it should start once timing is set fingers crossed 
20170322 152532
20170322 195849
20170322 152545
20170322 194831

In Topic: Starwagon ( Big Bird )

20 March 2017 - 09:42 AM

Hey All 
Its been a while since I've had a chance to work on this project but with some unwanted time off work I've been having a crack.  I did pull it down and did replace all gaskets. Inspected pistons rings bearings end float all this shit with that done  it's  back together and in the van. I took out the Microtech ecu and replaced it with a Haltech 750 and a Tech Edge Wideband controller so i can run E85 down the track.
Its been a slow process due to funds but it's finally nearly ready to crank over i do have a few little things to sort out such as aircon, intercooler, BOV,  Oil cooler, Air temp sensor all part of the fun.
20170320 194744
20170320 155546
IMG 20170130 194049
IMG 20170130 193934

Will keep you posted as i get things done 

Cheers Matt