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Member Since 01 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 08 2017 01:30 PM

Evo ecu + Afm

27 March 2014 - 04:54 AM

Can't post in wanting to buy but is anyone interested in swapping a evo 1-3 ecu + 609 Afm
For my 93t ecu/ Afm and 390cc injectors? I'm looking for something to squeeze abit more power out


HELP car wont turn over just clicks

01 February 2014 - 05:31 AM

so i was driving my car all morning parked up at home went to start it couple hours later and it wouldn't turn over just clicks


-4g93p engine with standard proton harness non siemans engine should be the same as a 4g93t


ok so it just clicks once.. the fuel pump is working ive checked fuses and relays there all fine ive taken out the starter motor tested solenoid and the starter separate still works

checked the battery its fine tried a new battery still nothing 


ive put a gsr turbo comp in it to see if itll crank still nothing


i pulled out a spark coil put a screw driver next to it turned it over it gets no spark .. should it get spark still or should the starter motor kick then it shoots a spark?

ive changed the coil packs and a coil... still nothing 


ive clutch started it and its foot to the floor big effort for it to turn over once it does its very shakey it struggles ...is that just burning the excess fuel from trying to start it so many time or is that signs of the problem even though its efi?... then it runs fine ive taken it around the corner booted it it all runs fine

once i park it turn it off it doesn't turn back on


when i turn the key the lights dont dim so i assume the alternator is fine


could it be  the start motor has shit it even though it worked wired to the battery its still to weak to turn over?


i need some expert advice or should i just burn it to the floor lol any past experiences with this or advice would be appreciated thanks in advance


evo 3 front lips

19 January 2014 - 10:44 AM

any one kno where i can buy a evo 3 front lip or a whole bar if its easier is they any sellers or second hand places that sell fiberglass lips?