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Member Since 07 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Jul 15 2007 10:24 AM

In Topic: Evo TME CV or Bearing problem

11 January 2007 - 08:37 AM

i have a evo 6.5 which had a cluncking noise when i took right hand turns. took it to tech sport and turn out to be that somehow the spring was not sitting properly and it was like a five minute fix. just re aligned it .

In Topic: [VIC] T4G Dyno Day - 7th October (was 23rd September)

04 October 2006 - 09:59 AM

if thats cool you will see my brother and i down there. do we need to get on an official list or just turn up?

In Topic: [VIC] T4G Dyno Day - 7th October (was 23rd September)

03 October 2006 - 09:40 AM

can my brother and i still get in. new to this forum but would like to get to know a few fellow owners. got evo 6.5 by the way. can my brother chuck his cooper s on or is it only for mitsubishis