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Member Since 20 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 17 2016 07:47 AM


26 October 2015 - 06:25 AM

Hey all life just got me a bewdy lately and I had to sell the RVR. Big thanks to everyone on here for they're contributions and knowledge.


Hopefully I can eventually buy it back and turn it into a weapon.


Cheers. JRD.


30 September 2015 - 04:55 AM

Hi all have been slowly fixing up the RVR and its time to turn attention to the motor. I have not had much experience with the 4G63 so a bit of guidance would be appreciated.


It has got 165 ks on it now. I bought it at 100ks. I have changed oil every 5000ks and not abused it. It is due for the belts soon and possibly an overhaul. Blows no smoke though, running stock boost and has a k&n panel filter and stock exhaust with a x force muffler. Goes quite hard.


Just got mechanic to do a compression test.


1/ 135

2/ 115




Is this good numbers for this motor? Or does cylinder 2 indicate excessive or abnormal wear? Should I be looking at top end work at the same time as the belts? Im not chasing big power with this car I am looking to get it to be a fun/daily car.








Door seals

30 August 2015 - 07:13 AM

Hi all as title says I need to replace my door seals. Anyone done this before or have any part numbers?

CV Joints

15 June 2015 - 11:17 AM

Hi all spent the weekend swearing and fighting under my RVR. Managed to pull the driveshafts without damage to me or the car. 


I am having trouble with ordering the correct inner shafts for the front axle. It seems the front and rear are different. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Apparently one has 30 teeth and one has 23?


This is the only thing holding the car back from getting back on the road!

Radiators Evo 3?

05 February 2015 - 04:33 AM

Hi all. Just after some clarification. My radiator needs replacing in the HSG. Will an evo 3 fit with minimal hassle? Just want to make sure the stock fans will bolt on.

