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Member Since 13 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active May 30 2008 01:55 PM

In Topic: Next Mini Meet

31 March 2008 - 12:07 PM

There is a new Pancake parlour at Fountain Gate too :D
Corrected the spelling twice as the damn red indicator was saying Im wrong when I was right :x

In Topic: Who is a member of Built not bought motorsport?

31 March 2008 - 11:46 AM

I didn't really know much about my car or cars in general when I first bought it but slowly as I go along I am learning.I never pretend to know more than I do or portray it.If I have a problem I ask Jeff @ Techsport or afterhours or for opinions I head to the net.Just because some of us have the time to work on our cars doesnt make us better than the person who takes it to a workshop.
I wanted a Mitsubishi Evo from the very first time I wanted a car but couldnt afford it so I bought a Mitsubishi coupe until I could.I bought a TME because I loved the look,power and rareness.I always made time for a fellow MITSUBISHI enthusiast whether or not it was "built or bought."
So many ex Subaru,Nissan,Honda wanks upgrading to the almighty mitsubishi are infecting our community with bullshit and causing infighting.
The only right way of owning a Mitsubishi is with a smile,the only right way of being a great community is by sharing that smile with eachother.
If you get corrected or dare I say it disciplined in this or any other Mitsubishi community take it on the chin as you were in the wrong!
I find myself losing interest in this forum lately and the attitudes on here seem to be spiraling down to dare I say it Subaru levels and my comments above seem to be the reason I think why.The mods should spend more time worrying about members of this forum ripping other members off more than the attitudes of forum mods on their own forum
I think it now rests solely on the Mods shoulders to clean this shit up because it isnt any good for us and it is not MITSUBISHI!
End of rant and hopefully the bullshit!

In Topic: E6.5 Seat

30 March 2008 - 09:36 AM

6s and 5s too

In Topic: fs: 1999 jdm tme

20 March 2008 - 07:34 AM

Hey Stan my cousin made the squad Herman Retzlaff hes a prop.Look out coz now Pricey is injured he may be ready to slip in.
Next time they're in town bro.

In Topic: evo 5-6 amber corners

15 March 2008 - 08:27 AM

got a pm with confirmation of sale thursday also a mobile number. rang today to pickup and he sold it lastnight to somone else.wtf is that