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Member Since 25 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 22 2014 10:22 AM

In Topic: Mitsubishi Starwagon 1996 4g64 Engine advice

21 December 2013 - 03:55 AM



I got the balance shaft elim kit and rebuilt the oil pump with the stubby shaft and deleted the both balance shafts and got it all back together and she runs sweet with no extra vibration and all knocks are gone. Put new belt and belt tensioner and pulleys in just to be sure and tidied it up while I had it opened up.


I cant believe how well it runs now all with a very cheap and fairly easy job.

I didnt remove the engine from the car and even with the bearings to block off the balance shaft oil feed to keep good oil pressure, I simply used the old balance shaft itself turned around to knock the back one out and back in place, perfect size.


Cheers for guidance given it certainly saved quite a few $$$ for me.

In Topic: FS: Every last bit of my Evo (providing it can be shipped!)

19 November 2013 - 11:17 AM

I am looking for a crankshaft sprocket from a 4G63/64. Would tou have one spare at all.



In Topic: Jamo's For Sale Thread

14 November 2013 - 08:35 AM

Hi, I am after a Crankshaft Timing belt sprocket from a 4g63 or 64 do you possibly have one available?

In Topic: Perth Wrecking 2 X VR4's

14 November 2013 - 08:32 AM

Hi, I am after a crankshaft timing belt sprocket fro a 4G63 or 64 do you possibly have one.

In Topic: Mitsubishi Starwagon 1996 4g64 Engine advice

02 November 2013 - 10:00 AM

Finally diagnosed the issue by pulling the front cover and sump off, little scary but hoping to salvage


The oil pump balance shaft on the 4G64 engine had chewed the bearing and lunched it, It was all in the bottom of the sump and the shaft itself has been chewed as well. I suspect there was a issue with a rebuild a few years ago and the correct oil flow the bearing was not met.

I am hoping that as I was planning to to eliminate the balance shafts this wont be a big issue, mainly a good clean out and double check and go from there.


Although I do have to replace the crankshaft sprocket that the main timing belt has to go so if anyone knows or has a spare on from a 4g63/64 I would appreciate it. Will pay $$ and postage within reason.