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Member Since 30 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2013 02:49 PM

In Topic: Attempting to save a 94 GSR

12 October 2013 - 08:13 AM

Awesome, clone! Honestly didn't even give the sump a look; just assumed it had a gasket! Makes a huge difference.

Warbo, most definitely agree. This is a labour of love, far from a chore. I've taken shortcuts with most things motoring previously, but as soon as work becomes permanent, it will be done once and done right.

My mates and I have decided the car will be my weekend track n back toy. With Mallala being less than an hour away and Mt Alma about the same, I would love to get my driving 'up to scratch' to perhaps have an attack for WTAC 2015/2016.

In Topic: Attempting to save a 94 GSR

11 October 2013 - 12:44 PM

It's done 190,000, but had 80k on it when it required a new engine.
Not a factory steering wheel either, and judging by the rest of the car was purchased second hand anyway.

Hell the car was under a tree when I picked it up!

In Topic: Attempting to save a 94 GSR

11 October 2013 - 05:23 AM

After purchasing these as I was wrongly told S13 SR stockies (which I had already purchased, thank you Nissan) are the same center bore, I came out this morning to drive a car with what I assumed were buggered CV/Wheel bearings.

It turns out every wheel nut bar my lock nuts were loose. But nevertheless the old girl looks 100% better. Gave her a wash over as it has been at my mechanics more than my driveway.



Scored this as a freebie, in a wrecked out GSR as well:


Next the exhaust tips will be cut down, front roll stopper mounted and sump gasket replaced.

Roof came up better than I thought, too!

As soon as I find Permanent work, every bush and suspension rubber will be replaced.


Then on to the fun part, mods!


10 October 2013 - 12:33 AM

More info on the struts, please? Also PM me how much you're chasing for the intercooler.

Need a few pain in the arse dicky items as well, so maybe we could work something out with my evo 3 skirts.

In Topic: SA - BLITZ SBC Boost controller, EVO 3 bonnet, EVO 3 sideskirts, 13" Drag...

07 October 2013 - 02:36 AM

Blitz SBC added. More stuff to be added this week.

TE37's sold, bonnet sold pending payment to Ian91 and skirts on hold for Jamo.