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Member Since 30 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Nov 19 2013 02:49 PM

SA - BLITZ SBC Boost controller, EVO 3 bonnet, EVO 3 sideskirts, 13" Dragways

02 October 2013 - 11:01 AM

Help me get my GSR looking sleeper! Feel free to call/text Chris on 0411-385-287. All parts located Semaphore SA.

What: 16x7", 4x114.3 mags. Tyres no good, one mag is odd.

Location: Semaphore SA 5019

Price: $70 or 2x 15 pack of Canadian Clubs.

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What: 13x7 Dragways, 4x100. Stupid fat for 13's, would look off tap on a slammed Mirage. 4x polished genuines and 2x red reps. Comes with 4x good 175 13's, which would stretch on amazingly.

Location: Currently in Chadstone, VIC, but can send anywhere.

Price: $200 firm. Cost me almost 3x this 5 years ago!

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What: Blitz Dual SBC boost controller, comes with all ancillaries and lines, and a copied instruction manual. Was on my GSR but removed as only running factory boost now.

Location: Semaphore, SA 5019. $20 post Aus Wide.

Price: $200.

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What: Volk TE37 Reps, 17". Sit perfect on a GSR, so would assume x7/7.5.
Two decent sized dings that would ideally be re-rolled (minor vibration over 90kmh, still hold air fine). Tread is fine, but has one mismatched tyre.

Location: Semaphore SA, 5019. Can deliver locally.

Price: SOLD

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What: EVO 3? Fiberglass bonnet, in charcoal grey. Clear coat peel, includes window squirters. Appears straight, minor marks/scrapes. Was very uncertain whether genuine or not, but definitely Fiberglass.

Location: Semaphore, SA. Willing to post.

Price: SOLD TO IAN91!

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What: EVO 3 Sideskirts, decent usable condition. Currently in white. marks/grazes around mounting points. Will need tidying up, price adjusted accordingly. Plastic so 99% sure they're genuine, part number on insides as photoed.

Location: Semaphore, SA 5019. Will post.

Price: $150 - ON HOLD

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Much more GSR stuff coming up!

SA - from the world of 2 wheels to four!

01 October 2013 - 02:11 PM

Hello all,

Thought I'd throw up a bit of my background. Spent from when I was old enough to walk toddling around on motorbikes. As soon as I grew tall enough, I started racing junior speedway.

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Unfortunately I had a rather big accident at Broadford Motorsports Complex during my progression to 500cc bikes which damaged my neck and shoulder, so I decided to move on to BMX / Mountain Bikes.

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As soon as I was old enough to get my license I purchased a 1987 Toyota Corolla AE82, granny spec. Did all the usual P Plate mods, cut springs, big stereo, and slammed it as low as it could comfortably go on Mitsubishi Mirage 13's.

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But as with all first year P Platers, we think we're racers, and even with only 35bhp, I managed to get done for 128kmh in a 100 zone (just before hoon laws came in!) then proceeded to understeer into a pole the following week.

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I then slightly hardened up and purchased a manual AE80 with a dyno proven 24.2bhp! Went 'JDM' and slammed it on compressed Pedders and 13" Dragways.

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I also acquired one of Honda's very underrated CBR250R's, which was my way back in to 2 wheels.

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And that leads me to now, having just bought into my first weapon. Having moved to SA, gotten rid of all my toys and moved on to full unrestricted license. Much to my girlfriends' dismay, I purchased the only turbo car within my budget an absolutely haggard 1994 GSR, it's seen better days but will be a hoot when finished!

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Permanent work has never been harder to find, so funds/mods will be at a minimum until work is found.

But until then, I'll be looking forwards to meeting some of you!

Attempting to save a 94 GSR

30 September 2013 - 02:55 PM

It's an oil leaking, lifter ticking, over boosting, suspension knocking hunk of junk, but I had to have it. Everywhere I look, it needs work.

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Being the first car I've had with over 35bhp (not a misprint).

Previous P-plate mobile, AE80 1.3L 4 speed man.

It's weird, I love how hard of a life it's had. It's been utterly unmaintained with service intervals ranging from 20,000km to never. Hell for a car to need a replacement engine at only 80,000kms you must be doing something right/wrong!

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I've no idea on what direction this car will take; but as my previous car would agree with, it will be an adventurous direction.

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I will keep this updated starting with basic tidy up and moving on to modifying eventually when permanent work becomes available.

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