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Member Since 26 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2017 01:49 AM

In Topic: my 4g93 jumbuck and Evo7

14 October 2015 - 10:05 AM

looking to respray the front bumper to champange to match the flares but having trouble getting the paint code, prob do a color match at supercheap. anyone done it there before

In Topic: aus spec 4g93t mpi relay problem

09 October 2015 - 12:07 PM

Hey bro, if you live up around northern suburbs, come an grab the dash and any bits ya want from the one im scrapping, its all gunna be binned soon!

im in the South East, i should have the thing running this weekend and if you dont mind ill try make a trip since up


ill make members ride post once its running/driving

In Topic: aus spec 4g93t mpi relay problem

06 October 2015 - 06:11 AM

all sweet plugged in that little magic box and its sparking and injectors are clicking as they should

thanks a heap


ive done a few reshells for it to seem not such a big job to swap a dash, plus the amount of gear ive striped out of this jumbuck i wont need to do half as much work as i normally would


i saw a black jumbuck with a frontmount on the way to getting that relay so i think it was a sign

In Topic: aus spec 4g93t mpi relay problem

06 October 2015 - 04:36 AM

gonna run to wreckers and grab one


thanks guys

i wanna grab the whole dash to replace the crappy looking proton one

ive never seen a better looking dash than a std full black cc lancer

In Topic: A new way to lower jumbuck rears

10 June 2015 - 09:14 AM

seams to drive alot better having the back as low as the front, like no more feeling like your hitting bumps with the car pointed down. prob just less weight of front wheels too


ill set a stringline around the car see if its changed much, i noticed before i started i did have some neg camber on the rears which could have been just axle flex


and yeah im checking that nothings loose everyday, i used hightensile everything but i could only find 1.5 pitch threads, would have rathered 1.25 or 1