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Member Since 26 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2017 01:49 AM

my 4g93 jumbuck and Evo7

14 October 2015 - 10:02 AM

After 5 years of the shed full of RWD nissan's ive changed back to mitsy's

i had a genuine EVO1 10years back and its made me build this jummy to relive my youth (well partially since its a 1.8)


the jumbucks got a 4g93T from a 95 aus lancer

std jumbuck gearbox

no PS

BC coilovers


full exhaust

evo 1 front


the evo 7's pretty std

its got a cat back exhaust and a nice intake

someones put a tephramod tune on it and im starting to think its been tuned for E85 (pinging in intial load and rich rich)getting a evoscan cable soon

more for the missus since its the car with the babyseat for my 3yo

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thanks for the help with my stupid questions last few months

ill take some detailed pics and explain if anyones wants some more info

aus spec 4g93t mpi relay problem

05 October 2015 - 11:07 AM

i have an engine from an aus spec 95 gsr and most of the looms sorted but a plug trailing away from the ecu with 8 plugs

a search came up with what i think should be there

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other than that i get engine light come on then off

the wipers all work

but no spark or injector clicks when i spin the CAS


would anyone know if this thing does more than turn the fuel pump on and off?