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Member Since 13 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2018 10:03 AM

In Topic: ECU issues

29 March 2017 - 09:44 AM


In Topic: ECU issues

25 March 2017 - 02:10 AM

Just as an FYI I had a look at the ECU board and could not see any obvious issues (to my untrained eye). It looks like the capacitors have been replaced at some point, maybe in 2007...

Apologies for the photo quality.

In Topic: ECU issues

25 March 2017 - 02:02 AM

I got one ya can have for $50+ post if ya do need one
Will just need the part number as I have a few different ecu's


Excellent! If the part number matches (MD187040) I'll take it!


Many thanks for that.

In Topic: ECU issues

23 March 2017 - 09:37 AM

I think your comment 


"Have you checked the ecu hasn't burst a capacitor or 2?"


is a possible explanation (and so is a bad earth). I will remove the ECU over the weekend to have a look, and go from there.


Anyone got an old GSR ECU laying around that they are willing to sell (which is my next option to try and get to the bottom of this issue)?

In Topic: Fitting an EVO4 steering wheel

12 December 2016 - 12:03 PM

Re "...is missing the plugs that old mate posted above but to be honest I've never seen a car with them lol."


These were 3/4 inch grommets from autobarn, $5 a packet...