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Member Since 13 Dec 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 18 2018 10:03 AM

ECU issues

22 March 2017 - 10:48 AM

So, I have an starting problem that I think is the ECU, based on the testing I have done.


To set the scene, I am running ECMLink v3 Lite in a GSR ECU with standard bolt on mods (fuel pump, fuel pump wiring, injectors, EVO AFM, FMIC, exhaust, but sadly still with TD04). I have run this ECU for three years without issue, this problem started about a month ago .


The issue is that the ECU intermittently goes into a fault state whereby the CEL does not come on with ignition on; the engine will crank but will not fire. To fix this I have to remove and refit the fusible link for the MFI relay (no 2 in the engine bay fuse box), after which the ECU works properly again till the fault reoccurs.


So, I got out the voltmeter and back probed all 8 pins on the MFI relay (a new one because I was led to believe that this was the problem, it wasn’t...) and Pins 60, 36 and 12 on the ECU, with the ECU in both its "fault" state and when working normally.


The results are summarised in the attached PDF attachment.


In summary, my thinking is that:


The ECU is not switching off correctly when the ignition is switched off; this is an intermittent fault, but happens often enough to be an issue (at least four or five times a week).


This is based on;

- the voltages being read at the ECU (pins 12 and 36) and MFI relay (in particular pins 2, 3 & 6), when the ECU is in the fault state;

- the fact the battery will go flat if the car is left in this state for more than 48 hours;

- the fact that disconnecting the ECU from backup power causes it to reset and function correctly until the fault occurs again.

- the fact that there is fuel pressure at the fuel rail, when the ECU is in fault condition and engine is cranked

- the fact that there is spark at plugs, when the ECU is in fault condition and engine is cranked

- the fact that the injectors do not fire when the ECU is in fault condition and engine is cranked


So, has any one else ever had this issue? Or have any ideas other than the ones I have had? I am wondering if there is anything I might have missed or overlooked?




Fitting an EVO4 steering wheel

10 December 2016 - 07:07 AM

I recently got hold of an EVO4 steering wheel and thought (as I always do) should be a straight swap into the GSR. Clearly I have not done too many mods.... LOL


Anyway, got it done and thought the following might be of minor interest (sadly this does not add kilowatts...)


1st and 2nd photos shows the issue, as the power contact ring does not exist on the EVO4 wheel.


Next few shots show the contact ring cut out and attached to the EVO4 wheel.


Final few show wheel fitted and last two show access hole without, and with, grommet fitted (for the anal retentive type, like me, this is an important detail... LOL!).


Verdict? Sooo much better than the factory wheel, and oddly satisfying to bodge up the power supply for the horn.







Steering wheels

05 May 2016 - 12:39 AM

Hi Gents, I'm hoping you can help me with a question I have regarding steering wheels


I need to replace the OEM steering wheel on my 94 CC GSR and have found one like the attached (which I like and looks suitably low key).


It is off an EVO 4 CN9A (according to the website), does any one know if it will fit on a CC GSR ? Also, does it come with an airbag (I suspect this might be an an issue but I am hoping not...)