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Member Since 23 Aug 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 05 2018 03:12 PM

#335034 Evo 1-3, 5-6 parts, rally and workshop equipment cleanout

Posted by jasevo3rs on 30 December 2016 - 02:36 PM

Clearing out the shed.
Evo 1-3 parts
Evo 5-6 parts
Rally stuff
Workshop stuff
As these items are advertised in various places, I prefer ALL inquiries to be sent via txt to my mobile: 0438 855 078. Also allows me to track who got in first.
All items are located in Perth, WA. I am willing to organise postage for items of a reasonable size. Postage costs shall be at buyers expense


#305514 Looking for a 4G63 to rebuild.

Posted by jasevo3rs on 06 August 2014 - 02:29 PM

Sincere good luck with Targa West George.... Will be great to see an 'old' evo out there again after I killed my little 3 back in 2010 after getting too carried away on one of the Toodyay stages.

Hoping to get out and spectate so I'll take some happy snaps and post up.

Main thing have fun and give it to some of them pink badged scoobydoo's. :)

#293855 Anyone on here own this? (WA)

Posted by jasevo3rs on 03 February 2014 - 11:42 AM

Hisham also used to own your current car back when it was a street going GSR with the Evo 3 body kit on it. This was back in the early 2000's when I had a silver GSR which the prior owner had put a Genuine Evo 3 body kit on through Mal Crokenberg. The body kit on mine was worth more than the car!!
I keep in contact with Hisham. He's owned a few rally reg early evos over the years. Didn't know his white one was a kitted out Evo 1. Thought it was a 3.