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Member Since 13 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active Jan 13 2014 11:29 PM

In Topic: Noise, Respect, The Need For Speed And The Grumpy Hill Billy

13 January 2014 - 10:54 PM

Do you think that buying property near a bendy mountain road and having to listen to the rat bags is similar to buying near the airport and grizzling about the airplanes?


I can't agree with the above question, because you are comparing apples and oranges. Choosing to live next to an airport one can expect that there will be a degree of airplane noise. On the other hand, most Australian properties are located next to a road or street of some kind, and there are no issues with normal cars driving past at legal speeds and legal sound levels. The issue is with cars driving past in the middle of the night using excessively loud exhaust systems. Just like an airport is made for airplanes, a racetrack is made for racecars and cars with excessively loud pipes. It's in my original post here:


"My message is to those people who are racing at night on our touristic routes in the Brisbane area."

"Don't saw off mufflers and don't cut out muffler parts, and don't use excessively loud pipes"

"If you want to drive silly, spend a day at the race track for a race day"

"If you know someone who owns a loud car, tell them to put back some sense on their car and muffle them"

"If they want to performance-tune their car, there are plenty of other ways to get performance from your car than to mess with the exhaust".


I believe the above to be a reasonable request.


In order to compare apples with apples, your question would have to read as follows:

"Do you think that buying property near a racetrack having to listen to the rat bags is similar to buying near the airport and grizzling about the airplanes?", to which I can totally agree, one can expect a degree of noise coming from a racetrack, which is why racetracks are often located at minimum distances from residential areas and often have soundproofing in place to prevent excessive noise from the track. I know my above comment might sound obvious, even cheesy and it must come up all the time, which is why in my original post I did not want to bring it up, but your oranges-apples question forced me to correct.


A public touristic mountain road is not a racetrack, which was the point of my post although I did mention I understand the attraction of sometimes putting your foot down on the pedal, especially if you have a bit of power in your rocket, I believe that we are all guilty of that at times. In my opinion, a total ban on "sporty" driving is not a solution ( I also think bikie laws should have been handled differently, but that's beside the point ), but there has to be a degree of common sense and respect to the fellow man. Most sporty drivers are behaving appropriately and know when they are stretching the boundaries. My message as such is not directed towards the people on this forum, or any of the other forums I posted on, or even anyone in specific, but rather is a generic appeal to people on forums, on facebook, on twitter, on google+ and anywhere this message reaches, who might have connections to (or personally know) people that sometimes get caught up in a moment of excitement and might exceed the boundaries of common sense in regards to generating excessive noise at night on touristic mountain roads.


I do think that most people on this forum and in the tuning world in general have a good level of intellect and I am hopeful that what I'm trying to say will reach the intended recipients as described above. I want to thank people for reading this and spreading the message to their friends.



A Hill Billy from Mt Nebo





Police should read this & gather up it's local gang. this thread will see it locked up in jail.

You hillbilly from Mt Nebo should put your brain into gear before your arse speaks.


The bill is well aware of issues with racing on public mountain roads. They are reminded of this very often, being called in to the scene of accidents often involving racing, and sometimes fatal accidents of young drivers. It would indeed be a friendly gesture from the bill if they gave an anonymous warning to sporty drivers on public forums before taking action. I believe the bill (who often patrol these hills) would use a pincer move similar to described above to catch racers on Mt Nebo Road. Such a warning would give sporty drivers some time to put back common sense in their cars and make them road legal (quiet) before actual police action would be taken and prevent crushing of valuable personal assets and the possible disqualification from driving. I swear that I'm just a hill billy and not at all affiliated with the police, so please do not read any "veiled" messages or threats in this message or any of my messages.

In Topic: Noise, Respect, The Need For Speed And The Grumpy Hill Billy

13 January 2014 - 05:20 AM

I have posted this message in 3 other forums, I hope this will be sufficient to get the required attention.

I'll keep an eye out for replies. Again, thanks for reading and if you would be able to spread the message it would be very much appreciated.


Some myth debunking for the exhaust modifiers :



In a nutshell: A 500 hp vehicle with a dual exhaust system only needs 2.5 inch pipes. Anything larger is overkill and might lead to power loss.