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Member Since 18 Jan 2014
Offline Last Active May 23 2014 11:11 PM

Evo V ecu in my Evo IV injector question

23 May 2014 - 03:48 PM

Hey guys so I just out an Evo V ecu into my Evo IV. I haven't gotten the proper size injectors still running my stock injectors. Can I run the V ecu on my stock 510's? Thanks

Evo IV Rear Main Seal help.

17 February 2014 - 07:12 AM

I'm looking to replace the rear main seal on my Evo iv GSR but I'm having trouble finding the part. Does anyone know if one from a later gen Evo will fit? And also if I'm look for a '6bolt' or '7bolt'. Thanks guys!

Interchangeable Parts?

22 January 2014 - 09:05 PM

I own a 96' Evo IV GSR and I've heard that some parts off of a Eagle talon TSI of the same year will fit my car. Does anyone know anything about this? Im not so much looking for engine components as I am looking for things such as brakes and other small things. In particular I'm looking for calipers, rotors, and pads and If they can come off of a Talon and on to my car that would make part sourcing much easier and cheaper. So if you have any information on this topic let me know, I appreciate it!


Also on a side note, if anyone knows any goo JDM parts sites that ship to Canada post them here! The more the marryier. Thanks Everyone!

What oil should you run?

18 January 2014 - 03:16 AM

I got a 96 Evo IV GSR. I'm new to the jdm and Evo scene so I'm probably gonna be asking a lot of noob questions but hey gotta start somewhere. Anyways what oil should I run in my Evo? I've heard all sorts of stuff from synthetic because it's a performance car to conventional becUse something about the turbo(?). Heard I should do 5-30 some say 10-40. What oil is best?!

Side note: it is my daily driver and I will have to drive it in cold tempuratures so maybe no thick oils till summer. Anyways all help is appreciated!